Sunday 15 July 2012

All About MyDOOM WoRm

MyDoom Worm Most Infectious Worm Ever Known!!!!

Have you ever wondered where Viruses, Worms and Trojans came from?? How Viruses, Worms and Trojans came dominant and became threats to us?? These are just a few questions in our mind that we want to have answers.. I am going to discuss or describe one of the common Worms in our world of technology.

Based on some of my research this worm called MyDoom Worm was first discovered on 24th of January year 2004. This worm is known not only as MyDoom Worm but also known in many names such as  “Novag”, “Shimg”, or “Mimail” these names being mentioned was named depending on different anti-virus company. The same with most worms that we know, MyDoom manipulates the email system, which has caused most people to be blamed for spreading it. The MyDoom worm has the capacity to distribute itself via email and the popular peer-to-peer network known as KaZaZ. The email is typically spoofed with both a sender name and one of the following subject lines:

-Mail Delivery
-Mail Transaction Failed
-Server Reports Status

The file attachment comes with a CMD., EXE., PIF. or SCR file extension or it may come as an archived ZIP file.

Not only that the Icon of the attachment may appear with following format above but also with a TXT. File, though the file being attached can be executed.
The MyDoom Worm if launched or executed the attached file and the worm is being activated infecting the computer’s hard disk, the worm will automatically collect or harvest all the email address and send itself. The computer that is being infected by this worm is known as “ZOMBIE”. The MyDoom is not much similar with the other mass-mailing worms that we have seen in the past, because of the fact that it does not seduce or attract users into launching or executing the attached file by offering seductive pictures of celebrities or private messages, according to Graham Cluley a senior technology consultant of Sophos.

Here are some photos wherein MyDoom Worm is attached... Here are also the icons which contains the MyDoom Worm So beware!!!!

After A long duration of searching and reading about the different articles and features about this said WORM, I can say that many innocent people, email addresses as well as companies are being destroyed, degraded as well as infiltrating their privacy and giving so much headache and frustration. Most of the articles that i have read, most of the common description that they are giving are the following:
-Most Infectious Worm 
-Can manipulate emails 
-Can deceive the users and so much more.
Thus we should be aware and be careful especially about the emails that we are receiving from time to time, because sometimes we are so immature especially when we received mails telling that we won something we  automatically open and respond to the mail not looking who is the sender and most especially not being aware and responsible enough to securely observed and be mature to attend to our emails responsively.

Just a reminder before I will end this discussion, We should always remind our self to be aware, for us to avoid being spam or being infiltrated by this Viruses... Because the security is already within our hands and we could avoid this kind of unethical jobs... 

The Safety of our computer is within a CLICK of the MOUSE!!!

